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Friday 9 September 2016

Stretch Mark Prevention Cream & Oils Review

Just reached my 8th month pregnancy milestone today, and thought I’d give a quick review of the stretch mark creams/oils I’ve been using since the 3rd month of my pregnancy.

Sebamed Anti-Stretch Mark Cream (200ml)

First up, this is the first cream I used during pregnancy. Its Unique Triple Soft Formula is said to:
1. Help prevent stretch mark
2. Help reduce existing stretch marks
3. Help restore the connective tissue

+ Easy to apply and easily absorbed after 2-3 minutes of massaging
+ Suitable for sensitive skin and has a balanced PH value of 5.5
+ Thick creamy texture does not stain clothing
+ Great moisturizer. Although Sebamed recommended the cream be used twice daily, I actually skimped on this during my 3rd and 4th month of pregnancy, using it mainly at night after shower since my tummy was still pretty small then.
+ Soft, silky, and slightly greasy upon application, but not an issue once absorbed
+ Slight powdery and delicate floral scent. Not too overwhelming. Love it!
+ Effective. Eases dryness of skin, leaving skin much smoother just after 4 days
+ This bottle lasted me for over 4 months when I used it once daily, every day
+ Assuring. Can be used even after birth and while breast feeding

- Considered a light cream, application twice daily as per their recommendation would be needed as you progress through pregnancy with a growing tummy. However, it is advised to wash off the remnants of the first layer before applying the second layer or it would feel sticky and greasy
- Not found in your usual Guardian/Watson’s pharmacy. I got this last bottle at Caring
- Can be pricy, with it being normally priced at RM89.90
- Did not ease the itchiness when I developed a skin rash (PUPP) during pregnancy
Creamy, thick texture. The amount i tend to use for each application.

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Soothing Oil (150ml)

I got this oil next when my PUPP got worse and the itchiness was becoming very unbearable. Compared to other Palmer stretch mark products, I chose this specifically for its Lechitin ingredient, which is said to be a trademark ingredient of Palmer’s but is surprisingly not found in many of its other similar ranged products. And also because I’m not a fan of mineral oil based products.

Easily applied as it came in a spray bottle. Normally 2-3 pumps is enough
+ Absorbs well after application, leaving skin feeling moisturised, soft and smooth
+ Worked perfectly against my PUPP, giving me instant relief after 20 minutes of application and has since worked to prevent PUPP from re-occurring
+ Heard that many people use it for other parts of their body and face too, though I’ve not tried
+ More easily found in general pharmacies around town
+ Very affordable. Normally priced at RM39.80, I got mine at 20% discount at RM31.90
+ Cost Effective. Started using this in my 5th month of pregnancy once every morning and its barely even 1/10th used
+ Paraben & Phtalate free
+ Non-staining formula, which evens out skin tone on regular use

Strong chocolaty scent from its cocoa butter ingredient like all Palmer's products. Can be overwhelming.
- Contains fragrance ingredients that could irritate sensitive skin
- Can be messy, oil will leak from packaging if bottle is not maintained upright
- Contains canola oil which makes it greasier and slower to absorb after application. Best to give it about 3-4 minutes to dry
- Not for those who already have oily skin

Bud’s Stretch Mark Prevention Cream (150ml)

Switched to this recently when my Sebamed ran out, since I got it at a 20% discount price (RM59.30) and it is natural and organic certified, with:

1. Parfum made from essential oils
2. 99.6% of total ingredients are of natural origin
3. 32.7% of total ingredients are from organic farming
4. 99.9% of the plant ingredients are from organic farming

Light and watery-lotion like texture that makes for fast application and quick absorption.
+ Just as moisturising as Sebamed, but I find that I actually need to use this abit lesser than the amount I pump out for Sebamed on each application due to its watery/slightly oily texture.
+ Non-greasy once absorbed, and does not stain
+ 1 time application works well for maximum half a day only
+ Has a pretty strong floral scent

Can be pricy, normal price ranged at RM74.10
Slightly more watery texture

Note: Am currently using Bud's Stretch Mark Prevention Cream twice daily, with the morning application dosage being half of the amount as pictured above as i will mix in 1-2 pumps of Palmer's as well. Thus far, works this combo works well for me and there has not been a recurrence of PUPP.

On a side note, I also recently purchased Bud’s Nurturing Nursing Cream (15ml) to use once week, or as and when necessary as I noticed that with my growing breasts, the areola area was starting to feel abit dry/flaky at times. I’m sure it will come in handy later when I start breastfeeding but for now, sparingly used to dab once in a while helps to ease my worry and reduce any itchiness that may arise from the dryness. Priced normally around RM34.90, I got this at promotion price of RM29.90 for a 15ml bottle. Just like the stretch mark cream, it is natural and organic certified, with:

1. Parfum made from essential oils
2. 100.0% of total ingredients are of natural origin
3. 32.0% of total ingredients are from organic farming
4. 95.1% of the plant ingredients are from organic farming

As this is my first pregnancy, I’m not sure how fully effective the creams/oils are against the stretch marks that will come with this pregnancy, but what I can say with certainty is that while I have at time felt like the skin of my tummy stretch and “tear”, I have not seen any lines physically appear and have been able to keep the itchiness at bay. In addition, any new spider marks that may show up as a result of my growing tummy usually disappear after a week’s use of the stretch mark cream/oils above.

Word of advice to all, stretch marks and spider marks can appear even on your sides of the body and even breast so don't just focus on that bulging tummy and be on the lookout for those signs of a potential stretch mark problem and apply those prevention cream/oils!

Another point to note is that it is medically confirmed that stretch marks cannot be 100% prevented/ stopped during a pregnancy, but with frequent and diligent usage of these creams/oils I believe it will help to minimise its after-effects post-partum, as well as help make your pregnancy journey an easier and less irritable one.

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