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Friday 23 September 2016

Full Moon Gift Package or Catering?

Normally most people will look into this after the baby is born. Me, I’m surveying this earlier as an anticipation that I may be too tight on time and energy once the baby is born and also because the recent baby fairs and workshop have given me a chance to source for several options available.

The first matter to consider at hand is whether you would want to do a catering course at home, or arrange for full moon delivery packages to be sent to your relatives and close friends and colleagues.

Caterings are more preferred if you would be expecting at least 10 tables worth of guests, i.e. at least 100 pax. Anything less than that could either be pricey, or the usual caterers may not be interested in offering their services. An average catering costs RM25.00 – RM40.00 per pax, with vegetarian caterings going at the more expensive price.

Full moon delivery packages can range between RM8.50 – RM30.00, depending on the combo sets chosen and delivery charges, and can be catered to either individuals or a whole family at the said price. In addition, there are also specialised designer cupcakes full moon gift sets being offered by creative home-based or small time entrepreneurs, such as Chelsy Full Moon & Catering and Apple Kitchen to cater to the modern parents and even vegetarian preferences. Most packages need to be ordered in a minimum quantity of 5 or 10 though for the order to be accepted.

Going through forums, a pretty comprehensive “Full Moon Gift Pack” blog post by Art Guy in December 2012 was suggested. Another latest comprehensive blog review on Delight’s Full Moon Package and TK Bakery Full Moon Gift Packs was written by Mapeey on July 2016 under the title “Baby Full Moon Gift Packs in Malaysia”.

Thus far, I’ve myself tried Delight’s Full Moon Package set D1 (Roast Percik Chicken) and received positive feedback from colleagues on the same set for Roast Black Pepper Chicken. Coupled with their package promotions of buy 5 free 1 and free delivery to 1 main location, it’s hard not to consider their package which could inevitably save you quite a lot on expenses.

UniQ’s package is definitely more pricey as they offer much more in their packages, but it’s best to call or visit them to find out their latest promotional offers. Cash vouchers for their packages were being promoted at Today’s Baby Expo last Friday, 15 September 2016, where you could save up to 25% with the RM500 cash voucher purchase. The word I’ve heard though is similar to the comments voiced in the forums, whereby the dryness of their chicken dishes can be at times inconsistent. Hence, the high-low reviews received on this brand.

Another point to note related to Delight's is that they have expanded their operations to include caterings for full moon as well and can be found at Lynn's Cafe in SS15, Subang Jaya. The link on Delight's main page is broken though so if you're interested, please click on the correct link i have shared herein above.

Chances are we’ll be doing the full moon packages instead of caterings, so when we get to it I’ll share my review then. For now, I hope this helps. Cheers!

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